How you can help 

Can you spare some time?

MerryGoRound is run solely by a small group of volunteers. We’re looking for more volunteers so we can help more families in need. Here’s how you can help…


Sorting sessions

This is our biggest job! We need to sort through the large volume of donations that are very kindly donated to us to quality check and sort them into the correct sizes.

We also need help to prepare bundles of items for distribution to referrers.

We know you are busy so while we hold regular sessions, we don’t need you to commit to help every week - just when you can would be great!


Days and times vary but we usually run sorting sessions on weekday mornings - please get in touch for more details


Angel, Islington, London N1 1UL


Delivering donations and bundles

Do you have a car or a cargo bike? If so, we’d love to hear from you. We need help to deliver bundles to referrers for them to pass on to the families we help. We usually deliver them to the referrer’s office or the family’s local children’s centre.


Ad hoc weekday deliveries


Angel, Islington, London N1 1UL


at home Sorting and/or mending

If you’re not able to make it to our sorting sessions it would be amazing if you could give us a hand to sort items at your home. We can let you know what’s required (it’s really straightforward!) and then you can sort whenever it suits you.

One of the reasons we set up MerryGoRound was to prevent items that still have life in them ending up in landfill. Some of the clothing donations we receive require simple mending (such as replacing buttons / repairing hems) so if you’re a whizz with a needle and thread let us know!


Regular weekly or
ad hoc


your home!


Specialist skills

We’re looking to build our presence online and IRL so if you have skills in social media, graphic design or photography we’d love to hear from you.

We’d also be grateful for some help with writing funding applications so if you have any experience in this area please do get in touch.


Regular weekly or
ad hoc


your home!

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Register to become a merrygoround Volunteer


Sign up here…